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Writer's pictureemmagluyas

Day 1 #Stradaeasel

I have joined the Strada Easel September Challenge.

This means artists can post a painting a day on Strada Easel social media pages and have a chance of winning one of their easels!

I have decided to post my paintings on my Instagram page and each day I have to attach the stradaeasel hashtag. I hope to do this its quite a feat with life getting in the way, so they also allow you to post a painting in stages as you paint.

I don't expect to win an easel but I like the discipline of painting every day. As some of you you will be familiar with the Daily Painting challenge which I am part of. To me its the same thing, by joining this its only a month and my work will be among other artists which it quite exciting.

The rules state that only paintings from life are permitted so no prints, or photos as references. I also like this aspect, as it gives me chance to practice my still life drawing and painting skills. I may even draw on some days if I know time is tight.... which it will be on some ...

'Sunflower' is my painting from today, it is oil on cradled birch which is lovely to paint on. The paint simply glides on the wood and it has a natural 'ground' with its wood colour. I have a few of these panels in stock and will try them out, they are only 8"x 8", a nice size for a daily painting.

I'm quite pleased with my first attempt, but I do hope to improve by the end of the challenge, doing things like this is mainly what its all about. Anyone can join in, you just have to register... which I think may have finished, there is sure to be another challenge coming up soon. Why not give it a go next time?

I am now having to think of what to paint each day... 'everything becomes a painting'- I'm not sure who said this originally but they are right! ..... Looking at all the objects in the house and garden... :)

To watch my progress just follow me on my Instagram page emmagluyas_artist, I will also be posting on my Blog whenever I can.

It's very exciting and I am looking forward to seeing what I produce, good or bad!

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